Cartilage oligomeric matrix
protein is a protein that in bodies is encoded by the COMP gene. COMP is a
brand of cartilage turnover.
The protein encoded by COMP
this gene is a noncollagenous extracellular cast (ECM) protein. Cartilage
Oligomeric matrix Protein (COMP) consists of 5 identical glycoprotein subunits,
anniversary with EGF-like and calcium-binding (thrombospondin-like) domains.
Oligomerization after-effects from accumulation of a five-stranded coiled braid
and disulfides. Binding to added ECM proteins such as collagen appears to
depend on divalent cations. Mutations can could cause the
osteochondrodysplasias pseudochondroplasia (PSACH) and assorted epiphyseal
dysplasia (MED).